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Thursday, February 23, 2006 ONLINE DECLARATION OF SATISFACTORY/UNSATISFACTORY OPTION The online declaration of the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option will be held from 22nd (9:00AM) Februry 2006 to midnight of 28th Februry 2006. No further grace period will be allowed after the deadline. Students who wish to have their modules graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory are required to declare their option at this website. You may make changes to your declaration during the declaration period from 22nd to 28th Februry 2006. However, please note that after 28th Februry 2006, the option you have declared will be irrevocable. You are advised to print a copy of the declaration confirmation page for your record. Please also be reminded that modules which count towards the Faculty’s major and minor requirements cannot be taken on an S/U option basis. For more information on the S/U option, please click on http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/undergraduate/faq/suoption1.htm Registrar’s Office Isn't it funny how my school spells 'Februry'?? ...4 times? :)
Sunday, February 19, 2006 Mil finally decides shes fat.Yup. Im a freakin strange kid. Adolescent girls are supposed have eating disorders. Like bulimia and anorexia. I can only wish i had either. Girls are also supposed to see themselves as 15 times fatter than they actually are when looking in the mirror. I always thought i looked alright :) But maybe thats cuz i always looked at myself in the mirror alone with no one next to me. Your mind plays tricks on you when theres no comparison. At least mine does, infact, i even think im tall when im by myself. (154cm is a big number - think about it, its much bigger than 27.. 3.. 43.. even 104!) So there you have it, i secretly think im pretty normal. But im not! So WHY do i not think im fat. Well, strangely, i think its because everyone told me i was fat. And i think im someone who hates being criticized so i kinda 'rebelled' on that comment. (yes yes.. horrible vice.. im an ostrich, a short and pudgy one with feather-phobia albeit) I mean my mom says im fat, my dad thinks im adorably huggable, a certain friend insists im on the chubby side (yes you, i know you read this ;P), and of course another somebody who keeps telling me that i'd look 10 times hotter if i'd only lose 10 pounds.. (names dont really matter) I mean you would think that by NOW i should be extremely unhappy with my body.. but im surprisingly not as upset over it as i should be. WHY WHY WHY?! hahahaha. I just decided that they can say whatever while i munch on french crepes with strawberries and whipped cream and forget to go to the gym. *grin* "This is not how girls are supposed to be!" screams The Society, "regardless of whether they're stick thin or marshmellow fat, they should always think they're marshmellow fat. A kind of better-safe-than-sorry mentality" So alright alright! I'll give the idea a shot. I'm gonna start believing that im fat. =) So, what now? I'm still the only one i see in the mirror. Maybe i should buy one of those funhouse mirrors that purposely make you look fat. but that would mean i'll never get to school on time (or within reasonable time) cuz i'll just keep thinking its the clothes that make me fat instead and keep changing, and changing.. and changing and.. hmm, changing. I mean its not that i dont MIND looking fat.. (of course i do.. im a girl! haha) its just that i'll somehow manage to find an angle where i dont look half bad before i walk out of the house. heh. same goes for photos. i just delete the ones where i think i look fat and blow up the good ones. like duh. you do it too. So what the heck was i supposed to do again? im starting to forget... oh yeah.. I'm fat!! *pinch my own cheeks* remember that! remember that! I'll go to the gym tomorrow, i've got to study now . Hee. =) Oh well, i hope you had fun reading this whether you're fat or skinny. Cuz actually being fat and thinking you're skinny is pretty funny. The other way around is WAY too passe...
Don't pretend you weren't wondering.. Birthdate: 9 July 1984 msn: daydream247@hotmail.com email: extraordinarymil@gmail.com If you're my aquaintance and 'heard' frm somewhere that I 'look' Chinese but 'fake' an accent or something, I will explain now (though it's never once and for all): I'm an American born Chinese, my parents are Hongkongers. I was born in Chicago, raised in Hongkong till I was 5, moved to Boca Raton, Florida and stayed till I was 11, moved to Trophy Club, Texas and stayed till i was 13, moved to Singapore and have stayed there since. Throughout my preschool-univeristy life i have attended 13 schools so far. Was it tough? did it make me bitter? I dont think so, ask any of my friends.. or try and find someone who hates me.. *wink* archives October 2002November 2002December 2002January 2003February 2003March 2003April 2003May 2003June 2003July 2003August 2003September 2003October 2003November 2003December 2003January 2004February 2004March 2004April 2004May 2004June 2004July 2004August 2004September 2004October 2004November 2004December 2004January 2005February 2005March 2005April 2005May 2005June 2005July 2005August 2005September 2005October 2005November 2005December 2005January 2006February 2006March 2006April 2006May 2006July 2006July 2007 Photographs
The Others..
For my sake at least..
15 Minutes of fame..
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