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Friday, January 31, 2003 THURSDAY (30/1)*sniff sniff* called in sick today and went to the doc-doc ( thats who we saw when we were sick back in the days when i was 2ft tall..=) hehe).. he gave me tons of medicine and now im a walking zombie.. praises for aaron who was up at 7:15 this morning to go fish shopping with his grandmama.. "what a nice boy"... rmb? =) So bored i watched American Idol haha.. i can't stand that marcus guy.. i think im a really nice person, but if there's any pet peeve i have, it's against people like him.. i dunno the words to describe em tho.. suck up+ selfish + whiny + neither masculine nor feminine + irritating voice + tryin to act all 'righteousy' at a totally inappropriate situation + and so full of himself .. pple like that are juz.. "extra". FRIDAY (31/1) boring sucky day.. it rained, i was late for work, and im still sick... not worth mentioning/blogging abt... submited my University of Texas -Austin application..
Wednesday, January 29, 2003 MONDAY (27/1) and TUESDAY (28/1) last two days at Warehouse..:Juleya's the best senior sales ard.. she's so nice to talk to and everything.. im gonna miss working at wisma.. no more peeping through the windows and making faces at the topman guys.. no more making fun of andrew and belinda.. no more gorgeous brendon *sniff*.. no more surprise visits from people like kris and sandra.. (and lionel kong whom i caught strolling ard on tuesday haha.. I love his hair)... spent my last break with anastacia and suhaila (topshop babes).. juz bummed ard the steps and bitched abt the company and its people.. like how dennis the manager stinks like sweat and cigars.. anastacia was more excited over her 'imported' fags tho haha.. but i have to agree; the longer american ones just look more elegant on the fingers... I guess the only thing bad abt hanging out with these people is that im always the odd one out wihen they're on their smoke breaks.. funny how they always make sure i stay clear from it.. always asking if im "ok" haha ..but for some goddamn reason, i like passive smoking.. just the smell lah.. (sandra does too, kay?!) spent monday doing stocks.. 12 boxes of new stuff waiting to be steamed, hung, and stored.. the cutest lil boy came in with his mommy tdy.. he toddled outta the fitting room with a pair of size 8 jeans over is head and told me "my mommy want size 10!" haha so cute.. he was crawling thru all the clothes and playing with all the belts.. said his mom was gonna get him a "pop rocket" if he juz behaved..i guess all andrews (his name) are naughty, right zhen?? or should i say, all cute lil boys are naughty??? WEDNESDAY (29/1): today sucked at dorothy perkins.. i hate it when im under 'special circumstances' and no one else understands what the hell im doing cuz some people 'on top' don't communicate to the 'ones below'.. dunno what im talking abt?? don't sweat it.. this kinda stuff only happens to me anyway..i swear, this place is like headquarters for fat women.. yeah this place sells big clothes.. i mean i think im fat too but have you ever seen size 20 pants?? one butt pocket is like the size of my pillow case. (okay i exaggerated a bit.. but ard there!!) the store was so small, the aircon was bad, the clothes were so big and the customers were so 'well endowed'.. AND they had to be picky and choosy too.. making me call up other branches for "sizes 16 and 18".. and they want alteration for everything (which is provided by the company but then they complain abt how they can't get it back immediately.. jeez)... Rolly-pollies (excuse the term) bounce outta the dressing rooms asking me if this or that makes them look (in their words:) "like a dumpling" or "clumsy" or "fat"... and we're trained to keep a straight face and say, as a-matter-of-factly as possible, that they don't... but that's not the worst... the manager won't let me have my offday this friday!! Freakin hell, I havent been off since last wednesday!! it's a long story, my friends.. and to top it off, MILDRED IS SICK. i can't breathe right, I can't talk right, I can't bloody hell swallow right... i think im going to bed now.. ;P
Sunday, January 26, 2003 mildred is a 5mildred is a true 'femme fatale' mildred is faced with bankruptcy mildred is discovered with a monkey mildred is severely reprimanded mildred is the 60th most popular female first name mildred is supposed to be a saint mildred is the story about a girl who could not stand her own name mildred is being held mildred is a very special little dog who joined our family in may(wtf?!?) mildred is blamed for something she didn't do mildred is an obsessive stalker girlfriend mildred is kute mildred is wearing a green dress (cyrano?? haha) mildred is a tall mildred is a disaster area mildred is due to be sentenced mildred is left by herself mildred is nearly the complete opposite mildred is portrayed as a strong woman who is able to succeed in the primarily male business world miserable.. aren't we, mildreds? alight so i've finally picked up my lazy fingers to write in here again.. ( not my fault wad... work is tiring kay?) but i love my job.. $5 bucks an hour just to smile.. haha sounds like a good deal to me.. plus you get spontaneous surprises when your friends drop by *grinz* okie.. what have I been up to: THURSDAY: another boring day at selfridge.. the store is just too small i guess and the stock is rather limited.. however, credit must be given to the wonderful people that i work with, so kudos to arlin, joanne, jacqueline, jehan, indang, jez and lina.. thanks for helping me fit in ;) FRIDAY: "here, tell these people something they don't know about me.. 313! Fuck Freeworld!" --Rabbit hahahaha yup if you havent guessed yet, i watched 8 mile today with aaron and KP (2 idiots who are as broke as i am haha) and lemme tell u abt the stupidest thing i did that day: you see, the show was at 10:30 am and when i saw 2 buses coming twds me, one being 14, I was in absolute exhilaration to know that i wud be on time.. so i hopped ryte on with everyone else and stared out the window... so i passed by the American Express bldg and thought abt mira (hey babe!) and how she told me to visit her there if I ever was in the raffles place area.... then it hit me: raffles place?? 14 duznt pass by raffles place to go to town! and i looked back to find that i got onto the 196 (which was in front of the 14) instead.. yeah so i got off and did a million j-walks and missed 15mins of the show.. sorry guys..*heh* after the show we went to buy the shirt at far east that i've been eyeing for 3 days... but i din have enough money, again, since the stupid adult ez-link requires a minimum top-up of $10 instead of $5.. but thanks to samantha, i was rescued cuz she got me a further discount hahaha (thanks babe.. i'll pay u back what i owe you soon * grinz*) and i went to work after that lor... zhen came to visit me with her mommy * grinz* newsflash from huizhen: "you know what?? the boys fought today!!" "huh?!! who and who??" "andrew and yewteng!!!" "why??!" "over some girl from warehouse.. apparently andrew was flirting with her, then yewteng was in a pissy mood and told him to go back to his work, then andrew goes 'mind your own business' or something and yewteng goes 'fuck you' in front of the girl...and then they started beating each other up!" SATURDAY: first day of work in warehouse and i was late.. and nancy the manager gave a damn long-winded lecture abt responsibily and performance of the staff... and right after she finished and i started to 'work', lihong and yeeting come hopping in going "hey its mil!! you work here?! wow!" hahaha and I was like "shh! shh! its my first day! don't talk to me yet!" lihong got the point but yeeting (always a bit slow hahaha) was still so excited.. haha but it was nice to see u guys ;) ooh and there was this indonesian guy who came in and said he was buying clothes for someone ard my size and asked me to try on all these clothes for him... and he bought all the ones that looked good on me! some people are juz too bloody rich.. and there's the woman who rush in and goes "can you put together an outfit for me right now?? something for chinese new year.... the best thing your store's got.." saw alota other people today: noelle, janice lum, yingshuang, ailing, weiying,zhen, susie, sandra, shoobs, and tarn.. that's what's good abt working in town.. talked to andrew tdy and he obviously said it was all yewteng's fault haha (brendon was happily adding in the details: "yeah yeah! and he shoved yewteng.. against the wall!")... (i know lynn is very 'xin tong' (heartache) to hear this haha) SUNDAY: afternoon shift at warehouse tdy.. i was still steaming my uniform when andrew comes over and goes "hey so have you talked to belinda yet? pass this sweet to her later k??" ..haha chloe and i just crack up.. had lunch (pizza noodles) with andrew and another dose of his bullshit.. i think he shows off his bad boy image too much (no offence if you're reading this haha.. but i must say, it's rather entertaining.. *grinz* and yeah you look "manlier" after your haircut haha) the shop was rather quite tdy.. nicole hu and joel ( her bf??) stopped by to say hi.. chloe and I talked more ... took the train home with Andrea
Wednesday, January 22, 2003 ugh!.. this is the worst thing abt online blogs... they jump the date b4 you're ready for it to.. * bleah*so this is abt WEDNESDAY: OFFDAY! had lunch at michaelangelo's.. went shopping ard town.. far east plaza.. bought these awesome snowflake earrings from future state for $5! .. saw this top that is to die for.. but it's $40..hmm.. izzit worth it? decisions.. decisions.. paid sam a visit at her jei's store =) went for kickboxing at orchard mrt amore (the dumb place has no shower facilities..) met aaron su, KP, dhanya and aaron goh at the station afterwards.. missed y'all man! and thanks for that big wet kiss goh-goh! haha hope u kickass in tekong! met up with lynn, nat, and nadiah to do more shopping.. brought the two crazier ones to see 'topmen' haha and had dinner at scotts.. estle (ur such a sweetie!) joined us later and we went home together afterwards.. reflecting on how the past 6 years have been.. we're really growing up.. for real this time ..don't you think? what happened TUESDAY: "Feel free to try anything on, maam..." *yawnz* started at miss selfridge taka tdy... hmm the supervisor's really sweet but i have to admit: it sucks lor.. the number of staff is teeny and the size of the store is like 1/9 of topshop... and they put me in charge of the nett price section where no one freakin goes.. by the way... if you wanna steal anything from selfridge? juz do it.. there're no sensor tags and the entranceS/exitS for that lil store are huge.. this place juz lacks the spunk of topshop lah.. saw shaun yoon , edmund, kris and jessie walk past tdy.. and *bugle-blows* my waichin korkor! haha nice to see you man.. 2 years have turned you quite 'shuai' ah?? haha glad to still see you with 'neighbor'.. Pat, kinki, ken, marco and the rest came over to selfridge to check on me.. sigh.. i miss them! yewteng came to visit me tdy too! and got me my new favorite drink... grass power.. it turns ur tongue green *grinz* came home and spent like the rest of the night on the phone.. first it was mira (hey babe!! now you know what a blog is?? haha).. then it was nat.. then lynn.. then aaron..bitchy-bitchy arent we?? quick note on MONDAY: quote from a shirt in the new stock: "A bird in the bed is worth two at the bar." I know im a girl and sam would slap me if she sees me supporting the 'male animals' but the quotes quite funny wad.. hahaha ok ok.. i think its too much of hanging out with andrew who jokes abt everything mean and vulgar (seriously: (me holding on to a bunch of clothes) "hey where do these go?" ...(andrew) "In my pants.." ..*rolls-eyes*) and he kept making fun of all the customers in the store..(his motto: "It's funny until someone gets hurt- after that, it's HILARIOUS" had lunch at mos burger with justin (the unagi burger is divine * grinz*).. (the following is for the benefit of nat and lynn:) justin is a mysteriously looking guy who turns out to be into jappy stuff.. and we also agreed that Brendan has the handsome angmoh look.. Faizal-the-national-bowler is a good mama's boy.. Andrew's obnoxiously cool and yewteng is, well, a cute babyboy who looks like edison chen *grinz* (lynn's fave haha)
Saturday, January 18, 2003 today's an offday again so here's what happened yesterday:" Excuse me, maam? Girlfriends aren't allowed in the male fitting room..." (then they give me the bitchy 'then-how-come-you-can-be-inside?' look...) super busy saturday: Kinki ( yes yes a fellow salesgirl's name) said I looked like a 'shuai ge' tdy cuz i was wearing the topman uniform yewteng lent me..haha i thought i looked quite cute too *grinz* Anyway.. became better friends with HuiZhen (super nice and spunky girl who helps me with everything), Rizal (the 'hangman'), Justin (who calls me 'ke ai" (lovely)...hehe) and Brendan (who's super cute!! *gush!* really, hottest guy in Topman *muakz*.. thought he usually looks a bit stoned.. he's gorgeous when he smiles!) haha ..all really fun people, all my age.. I really wish I could just be a normal salesgirl like everyone else, hate being in special cirumstances all the time.. babyboy yewteng juz msged and told me how he's jealous of me being able to work up at the cashier while he'd be scolded if he did the same.. sigh.. hate having to leave everytime i get a accustomed to a store.. like i said before: "Just as soon as I belong.. then it's time I disappear.." -Metallica Perhaps for this reason I wanted to work today.. but pat ( tm supervisor) said no. cuz Jin ( someone more senior) 'requested' that i be let off tdy... but i wanna work leh!! Yeah and about women in the fitting room... you disgusting couples that cannot be separated ah... boyfriend try on shirt also must hold hands... well marco (senior sales guy..) says no female tits allowed in the tm fitting room ('cept for mine and huizhen's lah haha) so in the end we had a case of a whole bunch of women queued up by the cramped fitting room, waiting to 'claim' their lost other halves... ooh highlight of the day: as i was abt half a metre from the next customer in line and abt to ask him how many pieces he wanted to try on, he started to french his girlfriend in front of me.. well...hmm.. I tried to disappear lor.. haha
Friday, January 17, 2003 "Thanks for shopping at TOPMAN, see you again!"update on friday.. i thought working at topman would be easier since the store is like 1/3 topshop's size but NOOO.. u see i dun understand men's apparel.. i try to... but i i've got trouble with the collar/sleeves lengths.. and if two pairs of jeans were the same color and material, I can't tell which one's flare or bootleg... plus there's the regular and skinny regular ( which in andrew's words are 'juz hideous' haha) Today's visitors in running order: lloyd, matthew, meishuang, jon yeo, zhen and shoobs! and everyone is going centro on saturday niiiiight!! even my colleague andrew! *pout pout* well i'll be stuck doing night shift.. u guys have fun.. had dinner with yewteng in taka food court and we ate in the mysterious staff quarters.. he's a 16 yr old babyboy who tried to make me believe his gf is 21... haha.. adorable. anyway, i think i got indigestion afterwards.. u see, I had to eat very fast cuz he was rushing back to play video games back up at topman.. ooh and we stopped by to visit zhen at song and kelly.. poor zhen, she hates her job. ok gotta stop rambling and get ready for work tdy!
Thursday, January 16, 2003 *OFF-dAy* ThursdAy!Went to NUH to see an podiatrist about the alignment of my little right toe with is oddly formed ( oooh... never knew didya? haha well I only juz found out abt this 'birth defect' yesterday too) and guess wad?? Im goin in for my very first surgery on feb 17th! *eeeek!* actually im ok with the cutting parts.. I even wanna see it happen.. it's the spending one night in the hospital with other 'defected' people thats creepy. but even that's not the worst part: it's spending 5 weeks in an ugly cast/dressing!! ( the doc promised to get a pretty colored one already lah.. but still!..) How to see people like that?!! huh?! on a better note, today was the class chalet bbq too..wish more of you people came but it turned out alright in the end i guess.. Thanks Ken.. for getting us the place and stuff.. lotsa mosquitoes but I guess they juz come with the 80 bucks package, yah? hehe Dreamcast was fun.. though serene and her "high-slit cheongsam slut" kept kicking my "sexy boobs" player's ass... but that's ok cuz I turned jess's babe upside down too.. Towards the end, Sam, jess, ser and me juz sorta lounged ard the pool and talked.. bitching and gossiping.. juz as if it was the void deck.. I love you guys * grinz* ok ok quick newsflash on what i've missed: *bang-bang* "Tag! You're on discount!" DAY 3 of work.. today was afternoon shift ( = bloody late hours..) Spent most of the time with the "gun-tag".. shooting discounted price tags on off-season items. Guess who I saw today?! *bugle-blows!* wanyu 'fishball' and wanlin!!! and thats not all.. Shasha and jen came to visit me too! .. AND fellow OGL babe Rayhana was in da house as well * grinz* Ate dinner with adeline at the taka food court (miso ramen at Ajisen sux).. shift ended at 10 and we all went downstairs to watch the topman guys play video games.. Had lunch with Lynn today before starting work!! it's always fun to hang out and gossip with you girl =) Hope you have better luck with the olio dome guy! dun get too upset lah- maybe it's like inter-restaurant politics that he hesistates over calling you...
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 *ring-ring* "Hello, Topshop Wisma, this is Mildred speaking.. can I help you??"yup DAY 2 of working here.. learned more stuff tdy..and more fun than yesterday =) Mostly assisting at the cash counter.. de-tagging the security pins.. bagging the products bought.. ooh and I learned how to loan out clothes to magazine people who wanna show it off in their mags or on their models.. yup so the loans to ELLE and NU YOU tdy was done entirely under my name.. HA! And as I was busy at the cashier, guess who and who's happy voices went "omigod it's mil!! mil! mil!" *bugle-blows* the superbabes from rgs: Rach and Kris!!! and after that naazli and stephanie from AA3 walked by too! and naazli still couldn't get over those FBT's that I wore to sch SO long ago..haha.. it's nice to see such familiar faces *grinz* the cashier I was working with asked me.. quite out of the blue.. "what's your ambition?" I thought abt it.. and I really don't know.. i hope it comes to me soon.
Monday, January 13, 2003 MUSICiLIKE: "Positivity" -- Suede"Hi, Welcome to TOPSHOP! *smilE*" Ha ha... no more stupid beyblading against my bro for me cuz I've got a proper JOB.. as of today =) haha yeah like i said i start work for Wing Tai Co.'s Marketing A&P department (supposedly an admin job.. ) but they've started by putting me on 2 weeks of observation (yes , again..) in which im posted to a number of the stores under the company.. today was TOPSHOP... so i was pretty much a sales there ( I've got my own staff tag! *grinz*) haha.. learned quite a bit I must say.. how to read bar codes.. style numbers.. how to activate a privilage card.. how to "throw clothes".. change mtv's... etc. Spent a bit of time in the morning learning abt each of the stores' different philosophies, competitors, target etc... haha ask me anything now =) here's my schedule.. visit moi! haha 13-16 jan: TOPSHOP wisma 17-20 jan: TOPMAN wisma 21-24 jan: Miss Selfridge ngee ann 25-28 jan: Warehouse wisma 29-31 jan: Dorothy Perkins Seiyu Bugis
Saturday, January 11, 2003 Came home late yesterday and was too lazy to update cuz I had dinner with *bugle-blows!*.. Jennifer!! Nice to see you girl.. I think we all need a little refreshment from our past schoolgirl days during this time of "in-betweeness".. we were PLANNING to go to the ThaiExpress at the Esplanade since Jen had to go to work at Embassy later ( her first 'Friday night'.. *come on jen, you can handle those weirdo concoction names!! haha)... But as I was saying... we sat down at ThaiExpress already but i marched right out after hearing "there'll be a 1 hour and 15 minutes wait for your food, miss..".. WTF! this white guy behind me's like " you've GOT to be kidding.. izznt this place called ThaiEXPRESS???!" yeah so we got the hell outta there and sat down at some local food place with real lousy waiters... oh well..And I watched Volcano High on DVD too... you noe.. that korean show?? Anyway i've gotta admit. it's a total teen flick about the fight btw rebellious students and evil teachers all buffed up in a hurricane of supernatural powers... absolutely no moral to the story haha... BUT.. yes.. but the protagonist was so cute! *I love Kyung-Soo!!* haha and this other girl who plays the supporting female role.. I thought she was pretty hot.. funky hair.. 'In My Life' There are places I remember all my life, Though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain. All these places have their moments With lovers and friends, I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I've loved them all. But of all these friends and lovers There is no one who compares with you And these memories lose their meaning When I think of love as something new Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life I love you more. Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life I love you more In my life I love you more. -The Beatles
Thursday, January 09, 2003 You know u seem to make the most sense to yourself during those wee hours in the night.. right before u sleep? times when ur too lazy to write the thoughts down but u hope u'll still rmb them in them in the morning so u could think abt them some more? haha well i usually forget what seemed to 'totally click for me the night before' when i get yelled outta bed in the morning heh... but i rmb this much:It's one thing when u try to act all in control by saying that you don't 'believe in love at the moment'; but the situation in reality is often another when love is the one who choses you when u least expect it.. dun u think? Sometimes u can juz look at someone and know that- maybe he/she's the one... and there also some other people who u can spend forever with as 'just friends'.. nat and i were on the phone tdy, and we've spotted a problem.. in my case anyway (dunno how true it is for her.).. it's this thing with guy-friends whom u start to grow close to.. for some reason.. all (ok almost all) my close guy-friends juz dun 'stay friends' with me.. something always happens.. either someone falls for the other and the other freaks and backs away... or we actually do get together... so there u have it.. it's either we're 'soulmates' or we never see each other again... now that's a problem. wow. yoga with a jappy zen old man yesterday and kickboxing with a duracell bimbo today... the start of a total makeover of the physical and spiratual self *grinz*.. Went alone for these couple of amore lessons since most of the amore gang had to work.. zhen is.. well.. I hope you're ok zhen.. im sure u know we love u lots, but i know too that we could never replace the love of some other people.. it'll be ok.. smile? Anyway.. i dun mind going alone.. kinda like it.. the whole journey of going and coming back gives me a chance to do a little soul-searching everytime.. a gd opportunity to test that lil button called independence in me =) Kickboxing was fun but the instructor was really more hyper than usual tdy.. so nearing the end i sometimes juz felt like bluffing my way through with wimpy moves like alota others had reduced to.. but everytime i felt like quiting, here's what i realized: there's no better inspiration for fighting than to remember someone u hate... And i tell ya, punches threw outta me like i nvr knew they were there before.. total recharge of energy. Ok i know it's not good to hold grudges against people but its for a 'good cause' this time k? hehe.. I don't hate anyone that much lah... but i pretended i did.. just for an hour. Ooh- and might i add that i saw noelle, dawn, gail and james while crossing the street tdy? though i was never really close to them, their familiar faces and smiles bring me a sense of.. hmm i dunno how to put it.. familiarity i guess.. belonging? a little rush of "hey! we were from the same void deck! we played bridge together before.. we were in the same history class!" does much for reassurance in the river of strangers that is now orchard rd. don't you guys feel it? apart from the friends that u might be walking next to, town just became a very lonely place... like we 'grew out of it' already or something.. ooh i gotta say something else! someone came up to me tdy and told me my aviator shades were damn cool! haha... and im sure they din know the price *shh* =)shopping in hongkong was so awesome.. wish i stayed longer!!! oh and i went to the US embassy to insert additional pages to my passport tdy ( wud u believe it? i cudn't go to china when i was in hk cuz i ran outta visa pages.. but that meant snooping hk streets by myself *grinz*) and the security was so wierd.. i wouldnt say strict.. the guard at the gate was standing so still.. he was looking at me but he like wasnt allowed to show facial expressions or something so i din know whether to acknowledge him or wad... pretending not to see someone who happens to be the only person in sight is kinda hard...
Wednesday, January 08, 2003 I just converted myself to be an official elvis presley fan. hahA! seriously- i just watched a documentary on one of his las vegas concerts on DVD an i swear the man is king.. an amazingly talented performer.. he bent down on stage and kissed like half the girls in the front row on the lips while singing love me tender! haha Can't believe im actually saying this since i used to think that all those elvis fans were just crazy but now i see why... i guess if i was born in the 50's i'd be an obsessed elvis-lover gogo girl too =) *grinz*Happy Birthday, Elvis Presley! hahaha...
Tuesday, January 07, 2003 MUSICiLIKE: hey i dunno the title or who sang it but.. ok it's this song i heard from some Treasure Planet mtv... i only saw part of it but whoever was singing's got sexy vocals... like googoodolls or the calling or someting... someone wanna tell me???MUSICiLIKE: "Everywhere I Go" -- Shawn Mullins wow... finally fixed my computer back since i returned from hongkong and found that buffy chewed up all the wires... aaron asks why buffy didn't get toasted in the process.. beats me pal.. cuz i was electrocuted like crazy.. hehe.. OK the latest milestone in my life: today was my first day as a sales promoter! well it wasn't official.. see: i went for the interview yesterday, but the company is damn act high-class and requires full-day observation of my performance today and a second interview before they hire me... so tdy, me was going ard city hall with my trainer, Selena-- who's damn chio... kinda like tarnima hehe -- trying to sell metal watches. it went something like this: " hello sir! can i have a minute of your time? we're doing some clearance sales for daimaru, which is closing down in spore... here let me show you some of our products k? no obligations from you! 'bu yao mai, bu yong jing'! (duzn't matter if u dun buy) Here's a pair of American designer watches.. u see this price tag ($250) well that price is just ridiculous.. we're here to sell it to you tdy for juz - not $100, not $50, but an amazing price of *ta-da!* $29.90! wait but thats not all - you see my boss went bonkers this morning and said 'clear all the stock' so if you buy a pair now for juz $29.90, you can get a second pair at absolutely ZERO dollars. yup u heard me right, 'mai yi, song yi' (buy one get one free) thats a total of 4 watches! Amazing deal huh? well i'm not finished just yet.. in addition to all this, these watches come with *ta-da!* a full one year warrantee! so should ur watch break, scratch, watever from now all the way till 2004.. juz call this number and we'll throw ur old watch out the window and replace it with a brand-new one or your money back. *confidant nod* Guaranteed." I really admire selena.. she puts in the same 110% of her energy and enthusiasm in every sale attempt... wats more amazing is how many dodo brains out there actually buy this shit from us.. i mean i cudn't even choose a watch even if i got it free.. but i learned alot tdyabt marketing and sales.. abt people ... I got the job even without the second interview cuz selena wrote me a great recommendation to her boss.. but seriously.. i can't do this job.. i can't prance ard the streets 6 days a week.. and after tdy, i dun think i wanna smile for a week... the image i gotta put up with is so fake.. but thats not the worst thing to put up with... its the cheeky 'cikopehs' ( did i spell it right?) and cheap pickup-line punks that piss me off... they ask more abt you than abt the product.. here's one i remember "you two are way too beautiful for this job, why don't you work for me instead? come i'll buy u a drink now.. lunch?" right.. but u can't just avoid them cuz they're the ones who buy ur obiang products... and there were these two malay/indian ( i dunno, juz colored k?) "singapore u-21 football players" that chased us down 5 streets to get our numbers.. now those guys were shameless.. its not like they were ugly.. one guy was not bad but i don't "cross-breed" nor am i cheap (duh!?!) .. so selena crapped and said she was attatched and i came up with "im lesbian and i have a crush on selena" haha then we realized our stories dun match and literally ran off laughing... but thats enough crazy job for me.. we din even have lunch.. straight sales from 10 to 6... I got another job though.. check this: marketing assistant for wing tai holdings.. haha at least its a normal office job lah.. start work next monday (13 jan) the woman said it was at 107 tampines rd .. so obviously i figured it would be in tampines ryte? so there i was happy that id be catching a ride from my dad everymorning.... then (juz to make sure) i decided to check the map.. and WHOA! tampines rd is in hougang!! next to srjc! .. now i've been to hougang twice in my entire life .. both occasions as a bad girl as some people would know *heehee... Cat??* and now "getting" to work suddenly becomes rather scary.. *pout* i dunno how to go!!!! :P
Don't pretend you weren't wondering.. Birthdate: 9 July 1984 msn: daydream247@hotmail.com email: extraordinarymil@gmail.com If you're my aquaintance and 'heard' frm somewhere that I 'look' Chinese but 'fake' an accent or something, I will explain now (though it's never once and for all): I'm an American born Chinese, my parents are Hongkongers. I was born in Chicago, raised in Hongkong till I was 5, moved to Boca Raton, Florida and stayed till I was 11, moved to Trophy Club, Texas and stayed till i was 13, moved to Singapore and have stayed there since. Throughout my preschool-univeristy life i have attended 13 schools so far. Was it tough? did it make me bitter? I dont think so, ask any of my friends.. or try and find someone who hates me.. *wink* archives October 2002November 2002December 2002January 2003February 2003March 2003April 2003May 2003June 2003July 2003August 2003September 2003October 2003November 2003December 2003January 2004February 2004March 2004April 2004May 2004June 2004July 2004August 2004September 2004October 2004November 2004December 2004January 2005February 2005March 2005April 2005May 2005June 2005July 2005August 2005September 2005October 2005November 2005December 2005January 2006February 2006March 2006April 2006May 2006July 2006July 2007 Photographs
The Others..
For my sake at least..
15 Minutes of fame..
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